Frequently Asked Questions: Storage

Cooked pasta can be refrigerated. Toss each pound of cooked pasta with 1 tablespoon of vegetable or olive oil – refrigerate covered for three to four days. For best quality, refrigerate pasta and sauce in separate containers. Still have a question? Contact us!
The best by date (example: FEB1112HBYs read as follows: February 11, 2012. The letters following the date are plant information. Still have a question? Contact us!
We recommend storing uncooked pasta in a tightly sealed package or container in a cool, dry place (preferably a kitchen pantry) for best quality. Storing pasta anywhere outside of a controlled environment is not recommended. The age of the pasta can be determined by reading the date coding information on our packages. Still have a question? Contact us!
While our egg pasta/noodles and vegetable pasta all have a shelf life of 2 years, our non-egg pasta has a shelf life of 3 years. Still have a question? Contact us!
